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A Thank You From The Author

I would like to extend a sincere thank you to all of those who contributed to making this project possible. You made the process exciting, enjoyable, and engaging. Your contributions have challenged me to be a better writer, and a better person. In your own unique way, you have each breathed life into the Vitalerium story. I appreciate your work more than I can put into words. 
Ahmed Geatar – For creating not one, but two eye-catching original book covers, and designing the characters with immense care and precision. 
Bojan Serafimovski – For creating the unique sigil artwork for all Factions, Organizations, Governments. 
Levon Panek – A close friend, and a great actor and stuntman. Thank you for allowing me to use your likeness for the Character Dorok Ferrous Benson XIII.  When I finally see this to fruition, you’re going to make a phenomenal villain…
Dr. Emmanuel Ehizome Esezobar – Thank you for allowing me to use your name in the book. Your story is nothing less than inspiring, which led me formulate the idea behind the character that bears your name. You truly do God’s work, and I appreciate your friendship.  
Jonathan Smith – My editor, for pushing me to make this novel the best it can be. I truly appreciate your insight, and your collaborative work style. The story became ten times what it was after you stepped in. Thank you for your feedback; I’ll take it for as long as you offer it. 
Bianca Vinas – Thank you for your constant positivity, and for pushing me to put this out into the world. Without you, this book would probably be sitting in a drawer somewhere.
My Family – Your love, constructive criticism, and guidance have helped me become a better writer, and a better person. Thank you for always being there for me. It is for you that I do all of this, and I love each and every one of you. 
Phil Ellison – A great friend, and fellow writer–I appreciate you providing me with the inspiration to start writing in the first place. For all those times you sat on the phone with me exchanging ideas, pumping me up, or simply listening, I thank you. I can’t wait to read your book when it comes out.
Lex G – A friend and fellow writer–For providing character inspiration, and for braving this writing journey with me. An endeavor like this feels much less lonely when you have someone to bullshit with about the creative process. I know your amazing screenplay will be successful, and I can’t wait
Jerrick Kendrix – A long time friend – For the countless good times spent traveling all over the states to explore their respective watering holes. A few times, I was surprised I even made it home. Thank you for allowing me to use your likeness for the character Jerrick Sparx. to see it come to life
Mike DeBetta – To a good friend who has helped me on more than one occasion – Thanks for allowing me to use your likeness for the character Braxton Hughes. He will hate house plants, and he will surely hate the sound of Velcro. Finally, although you didn’t ask for it, he will also be terrible at golf.
Atmosphere Press –  To all my friends at Atmosphere Press, who helped me hone and refine my manuscript into the novel that it is today. Thank you for your tireless work, and for dealing with the seemingly endless rounds of editing and proofreading. I appreciate all of you.